Relocating with MP:
An Employee Story

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Learn more about Paul DUPIRE’s mobility and how he brought his
support to the Aix hub!

From PMO Consultant to Business Unit Manager

MIGSO-PCUBED: Hello Paul ! What is your background at MP and what is your role today?

Paul Dupire: I’ve been with MP for 4 years now but I have not always been Business Unit Manager! As part of my Engineer Degree, I did my end-of-studies internship at MP. I was working as a PMO Consultant trainee in Tours (France). Then, I switched to a work-study contract and dealt with engagements in aeronautics and energy. In 2019, I started to work as a Business Manager in our Nantes (France) Business Unit (BU). There, I focused on the diversification of our commercial activities and was the focal point for the Atlantic construction sites.
In 2021, I had the opportunity to relocate within the Aix BU and develop a strategic account in aeronautics. In 2022 I became a Business Unit Manager and I am focusing, among other things, on the diversification of our commercial activities in the petrochemical industry.

MIGSO-PCUBED Aix en Provence

An opportunity to relocate with MP

MP: For what reasons did you move from Nantes to Aix?

Paul Dupire: Our Nantes Director asked me to support the Aix BU
which was understaffed. This was not planned at all but I decided to take on this challenge and move to the South of France! #Commitment
Long story short: I bought a flat in Nantes and I got the keys two days before I left for Aix! 

MP: What are the next goals for our Aix hub?

Paul Dupire: Our objective is to become the standard in Project Management & PMO and the number one partner of our aeronautical customer. We also need to work on our diversification to open new accounts and propose new engagements to our consultants to reinforce our service offerings.

MP: What is your advice for relocating successfully?

Paul Dupire: I think you have to be excited about it before you go! If you are deeply motivated, driven by the challenge and have your spouse or family support, I would say go for it: the logistic considerations will solve themselves.

MP: What do you like the most about MP ?

Paul Dupire: I really appreciate that there are no barriers which would limit you in your development. I think there are only bridges!
I also enjoy the open-minded mindset and the fact that it’s all about merit and commitment. This is really rewarding! 

MP: What do you like the most about your job?

Paul Dupire: Overall, everything! There is no routine; every day is exciting! You are the captain of your activity, the driver of your business and I particularly enjoy this way of working.

MP: What are you proud of? 

Paul Dupire: I am proud of the Nantes BU attitude during the pandemic. We were all pulling in the same direction with a common energy. And it is thanks to this unity that we managed to diversify and that our activity started again in 2021.

MP: After those four years, is there a memory in particular that you would like to share?

Paul Dupire: I will always remember the first time I arrived at an industrial site. When I discovered what our customers were producing, I was amazed. Whether it is power plants, helicopters or ships, it is always the same “wow”. It is a pleasure to discover industrial achievements and to meet passionate men and women! 

MP: Thank you Paul for sharing with us your experience!


Paul Dupire

Business Unit Manager


MIGSO-PCUBED is a worldwide consulting firm dedicated to project management and PMO in Aeronautics, Defense, Automotive, Rail, Financial Services, Energy, and Government. With over 2,200 employees, MIGSO-PCUBED is part of the ALTEN Group – a 42,000-people strong publicly listed leader in Engineering and IT Services.

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