Information Security:
MIGSO-PCUBED obtains ISO 27001

Thanks to the commitment of our employees and the support of our general management, MIGSO-PCUBED obtains the ISO 27001 certification for the activities of: Consulting, Training and Project Management Operations. This allows the whole company to progress in the maturity of their Information Security Management System (ISMS).

In 2022, the MIGSO-PCUBED team, including our Information Security Management System, was delighted to have expanded our scope of certification from France to across the boarders of Spain, Germany, and Portugal.

Then in 2024, the company is pleased to have the USA and Canada join in the scope of certification as well.*

What is the ISO/IEC 27001 standard?

“ISO” is the acronym for International Organization for Standardization, and IEC for International Electrotechnical Commission. The ISO/IEC 27000 family of standards is the reference for Information Security, and these standards define the requirements for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS). They are tools to help companies set up an organization to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information, as well as its legal compliance.

Thus, obtaining ISO/IEC 27001 certification means that we have reached the maturity and mastery expected by this strict standard with regard to the security of our data and those of our clients.

ISO 27001 certification

This is a great recognition guaranteeing our clients and partners that we follow good risk and information security management best practices and that we understand the related current and future challenges. Security management is crucial for us, just as much as for our clients, in an environment where new threats appear every day.

This certification is truly a long-term commitment and places our entire organization on a path of continuous improvement that is assessed annually during surveillance and renewal audits.

We are proud to receive this certification and welcome the challenge of remaining secure in our information security practices going forward.

*For more information on which hub locations are certified, please contact us.


MIGSO-PCUBED is the world leader for Project Management and PMO consulting. With a team of specialists reaching across Europe, North America, Asia, and Australia, we have become the trusted delivery partner for the most recognizable brands around the world. Working in the fields of aeronautics, defense, automotive, transportation, financial services, energy, public sectors, and beyond, we help our clients to turn their biggest ideas into reality. We adapt our solutions to their culture as well as leverage the latest technologies and best practices to bring the greatest value.

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