MIGSO-PCUBED is ISO 9001 certified

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In February 2023, the Business Units of the US, Romania, Italy, Mexico, and Switzerland joined France, Portugal, Spain, Germany, and Canada in receiving ISO 9001 certification.

What is ISO 9001?

ISO 9001 is an international standard that specifies the requirements for a quality management system. This system is used by organizations, to continuously improve their work processes and to meet their organizational objectives.

This standard represents a true acknowledgement of a firm’s management and organization. It does not define ready-to-implement solutions, as each firm can adapt the standard to its own policy and best practices. However, it is based on several quality management principles, including “a strong customer focus, the motivation and involvement of top management, the process approach and continuous improvement of the organization».[1]

With ISO 9001, companies are encouraged to provide quality services and to manage their organization with quality according to an internationally recognized standard.

For us, being ISO 9001 certified is a recognition of quality and maturity. It means that our company is recognized for providing quality services that meet our costumers’ demands and needs.

For our company, this certification is a way to convey a quality management policy to our employees along with an ambition shared by the whole organization. Being ISO 9001 certified guarantees that our management system is high performing and that we push ourselves to meet requirements that sustain our quality of service. Furthermore, being assessed by an external auditor guarantees the assessment is objective and continuously challenges us to improve.

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