MIGSO-PCUBED is Happy Candidates World 2024!

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We are so proud to announce that MIGSO-PCUBED has been awarded Happy Candidates World 2025 for the 9th year running! ChooseMyCompany / HappyIndex® / Candidates accreditation recognizes and rewards excellence in the overall candidate experience.

Based entirely on the feedback from interviewed candidates and employees, the ChooseMyCompany / HappyIndex® / Candidates label is 100% open, 100% digital, and 100% authentic.

Top 10% of companies evaluated in the program receive the ChooseMyCompany / HappyIndex® / Candidates certification.

This label is based on the HappyIndex® and evaluates organizations according to the following principles:

  • Process
  • Culture and work environment
  • Position
  • Sustainable 

In recognition of our long-term commitment to People Excellence, we are proud to win the 2025 award after 9 years of Happy Candidates World certification.

Congratulations to our global team for making our candidate and new joiner journeys one of the bests in class, all over the world!

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