A Journey from Paris to Leading Business Success in Southern Spain

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On this occasion, we have the opportunity to chat with François Sahuquet, Senior Business Unit Manager and Hub Leader of our Seville office.

Read his interview to discover how his mobility journey has contributed to the successful development of our business in Spain.

What is your experience at MIGSO-PCUBED and what is your current role?

My journey at MIGSO-PCUBED has been quite complex and enriching. I started my career as a PMO in Paris, where I learned the basics of project management. Later, I had the opportunity to move to Valladolid, Spain, which allowed me to apply my knowledge in a new environment and to face different challenges.

Later, I took on greater responsibilities by moving into the role of Delivery Manager for the automotive sector in Seville. In this position, I have contributed to the creation of solid foundations for the current Seville Business Unit. Today, I am a Senior Business Unit Manager and the Seville Hub Leader, managing a team of 120 consultants.

Why did you move from France to Spain?

I was offered the opportunity to join a very interesting project in the automotive sector, which represented a great opportunity in my career, aligned with my previous experience. This position allowed me to take on greater responsibilities and work in an international environment, collaborating with professionals of different nationalities and cultures, which I found to be a very interesting opportunity with great prospects.
In addition, this change gave me the opportunity to put into practice and improve my language skills, adapt to a new environment, and acquire new responsibilities. It was a challenge that I found enriching to grow professionally.

On a personal level, besides the fact that my wife is Spanish, I have always been attracted to the idea of living in Spain because of its culture and quality of life.

Any advice for those looking to relocate?

It is essential to have clear ideas about your desired destination while maintaining some flexibility to facilitate mobility.

My advice is to thoroughly research the place you plan to move to: from the cost of living, the culture, and the language to the sectors of activity where MP works.

Before arriving, it is important to work on cultural and linguistic aspects to facilitate adaptation and improve both professional and personal opportunities. This will allow for better integration and making the most of the experience from the beginning.

Another crucial aspect is communication with your manager. With time and patience, everything is possible, so it is important to communicate transparently and maintain patience during the process.

Can you describe a typical day in your current role at MIGSO-PCUBED?

It is difficult to describe a typical day because every day is different. My responsibilities are varied and range from team management and client interaction to hub development. I must ensure the operational quality and financial health of the agency in Seville and Southern Spain.

I spend a significant part of my day coordinating and supervising teams as well as making sure everyone is aligned with project objectives and has the resources they need. I also maintain regular communication with clients, updating them on changes, resolving issues, and looking for new business opportunities.

In addition, a crucial part of my role is the development of the hub, which involves defining a clear and achievable strategy. This includes identifying growth opportunities, optimizing internal processes, and promoting a culture of innovation and collaboration.

Every day presents new challenges and opportunities, which makes my work dynamic and very rewarding!

What are the biggest challenges you face in your position and how do you overcome them?

One of the biggest challenges I face in my position is to maintain a robust organization that constantly adapts to the needs of our agency and allows us to achieve our objectives. This implies having a well-defined and efficient organizational structure, with clearly defined roles, optimized processes, and effective communication between all levels of the company. To overcome this challenge, I maintain a clear and strategic vision, prioritize the most important tasks, and ensure that all initiatives are aligned with the company’s objectives.

In addition, building and maintaining a reliable and committed team is crucial. The success of our organization depends primarily on the team. It is essential to have people who are trustworthy, committed, and have a high level of excellence. To achieve this, we ensure that we recruit and retain talent, provide professional development opportunities, foster a positive and collaborative work environment, and recognize and reward good performance.

What projects is MP Spain working on now?

At MP Spain we are working on a wide variety of projects, mainly in the industrial sectors. This includes the transportation, defense, and energy sectors, covering areas such as aeronautics, automotive, railway, naval, and offshore wind.

Our ambition is to continue to develop into supporting new types of projects. Recently, we have started working in sectors such as finance, IT, pharmaceuticals, agri-food, and water treatment, among others.

The positive side is that project management is a cross-cutting and highly versatile function, which can be applied to all types of projects and sectors. This allows us to adapt quickly to new opportunities and challenges, always ensuring a high level of excellence and efficiency.

What are the 2025 objectives for our hub in Seville?

As I mentioned before, the objective for the coming months is to continue growing.

To achieve this, we need to meet several key requirements. First, we must maintain a robust organization that allows us to be efficient and effective. Second, we need a team focused on excellence and committed to our values and the way we work.

In addition, it is crucial to maintain our level of demand and the quality of our services. We must preserve our good image with our historical clients while seeking to attract new clients. We also want to apply our competencies and culture to new types of projects and sectors.

What motivates you to continue to grow and excel in your career at MIGSO-PCUBED?

First, I firmly believe in MP, in the service we provide to our customers and in the values of the company. Coming from an engineering background, I am proud to be involved in innovative and pioneering projects in all the sectors mentioned above and in the added value we bring to each mission we have.

Second, I feel a great pride for what we have built in Seville and a great responsibility for the collaborators and projects of my hub. All of this encourages me and keeps me very motivated. Seeing the positive impact we generate, both on our clients and our team, is a constant source of inspiration and satisfaction.

After 8 years at MP, do you have any memories or accomplishments that you are particularly proud of?

During these 8 years at MP, I have experienced many important moments of which I am proud. Perhaps one of the most significant was the management of the COVID-19 crisis. During this period of uncertainty, I had the opportunity, while still a very junior manager, to participate in an almost perfect management from a human and professional point of view. This experience allowed me to develop rapidly and to learn valuable lessons.

I am proud to have participated in several innovative projects as a consultant, delivery manager and business manager.

What is the most valuable lesson you have learned during your time at MIGSO-PCUBED?

The most valuable lesson I have learned during my time at MIGSO-PCUBED is that with patience, hard work, and commitment we can achieve excellence. I firmly believe that when we strive for excellence in everything we do, we not only achieve our goals effectively, but we also inspire others to do their best.

This mindset not only strengthens our teams and projects, but also allows us to overcome challenges that might seem impossible at first. It is an approach that I have applied in my daily work and that has proven its impact and effectiveness not only in my personal growth, but also in that of my team.


MIGSO-PCUBED is the world leader for Project Management and PMO consulting. With a team of specialists reaching across Europe, North America, Asia, and Australia, we have become the trusted delivery partner for the most recognizable brands around the world. Working in the fields of aeronautics, defense, automotive, transportation, financial services, energy, public sectors, and beyond, we help our clients to turn their biggest ideas into reality. We adapt our solutions to their culture as well as leverage the latest technologies and best practices to bring the greatest value.


MIGSO-PCUBED es líder mundial en consultoría dedicada a la gestión de proyectos, programas, portafolios y gestión del cambio. Somos la empresa de confianza de las organizaciones más reconocidas en sectores como el aeronáutico, defensa, automoción, transporte, finanzas, energía y gubernamental.

Con cerca de 3 300 colaboradores en Europa, América del Norte, Asia y Australia, MP se ha convertido en el “delivery partner” de confianza de de las organizaciones más reconocidas en sectores como el aeronáutico, defensa, automoción, transporte, finanzas, energía y gubernamental.

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