PMO Innovations: development of the first predictive and collaborative platform

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STELLANTIS and MIGSO-PCUBED have established an innovative partnership to build the first project-dedicated data lake.

STELLANTIS and MIGSO-PCUBED have established an innovative partnership to build the first project-dedicated data lake. Based on a SaaS platform called pmOgmented, the objective of this solution is to collect all structured or unstructured data related to project performance, steering and control activities, such as planning, product lifecycle management (PLM), minutes of meeting, etc.

This project includes the development of Business Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence solution, as Machine Learning, Deep Learning or Natural Language Processing (NLP), to leverage the data asset into insights.

The first exploratory results are encouraging and confirm the potential for making planning and forecasting more reliable, steering actions and detecting weak signals. PmOgmented will eventually become a collaborative platform, intended for project management communities, providing them with advanced analysis, insights and recommendations, thus enabling real-time anticipation and improve project performance. 

PmOgmented is our pioneering digital gateway towards predictive technologies.

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