From Consultant to Delivery Manager, from France to Canada:
Sabrina's journey

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Sabrina, a consultant at MIGSO-PCUBED Canada, explains her job and talks about her career progression within the company.
What does it mean to be a PMO Consultant? What are the career prospects? In this article, you’ll find the transcript from Sabrina’s video employee story, offering a firsthand glimpse into her experience at MP.

Role of a Project Management Consultant

MP: What does it mean to be a consultant?

Sabrina: Great question. I feel a bit like I’m being recruited when hearing that, because it’s exactly the kind of question you would ask someone who wants to join MIGSO-PCUBED. First of all, being a consultant is a state of mind and a positioning. You work for a client, and you represent the company. In the context of project management, you bring your expertise to bear on the different needs and projects of the client. It means working on the different aspects of project management: whether it’s quality, deadlines, costs, change, continuous improvement, and so on.


MP: What’s your job?

Sabrina: I’m a project management Consultant. I started at MIGSO-PCUBED in 2014 working in automotive industry. Then I moved to be a Quality and Performance Manager working from the Paris hub. More recently I asked to be transferred to Canada where I have several projects. My first role is being a project management consultant for a client, and my second role is a team leader for the same client as well as others. This means I am supervising several consultants. And my third role is to participate in the development of the Montreal hub through cross-functional actions such as consulting or the development of certain processes.

A career full of opportunities

MP: Any anecdotes or projects that have particularly impressed you?

Sabrina: I think it’s when I moved to Canada. I arrived with total confidence, saying to myself “OK Sabrina, you’ve got a consulting background, you know what you’re doing, don’t worry.” But in fact, you can not anticipate the cultural difference, especially with Canada, you think “OK, it’s French-speaking, it’ll be ok.” But in fact, you cannot plan for that kind of thing, so it was a little complicated to understand each other and integrate into a Quebec team for me. I for sure didn’t understand all the jokes – so I pretended to laugh as if understood all the jokes, it was a bit complicated.


MP: Describe your experience at MP in one word.

Sabrina: What comes to mind is “twists and turns”. I came to MIGSO-PCUBED with a well-defined career plan. It was clear to me that I was going to work in a particular area of project management. And in fact, several opportunities presented themselves to me, which I was able to seize. So, my career since I started has been full of twists and turns.


MP: What’s your typical day like?

Sabrina: I think my typical day is not to have a typical day. It’s about saying to yourself, “OK, I’ve got a weekly or monthly objective, I’ve got deliverables to deliver, but I don’t have a typical day.” As a consultant, you have to be able to adapt to the client’s needs and environment. You have to be reactive. That’s why I don’t think it’s useful to have a typical day.


MP: Why is project management great?

Sabrina: It’s a topic that’s not redundant. It’s always a new day, it’s always a new job. You keep learning a little more everyday as your career and experience progresses. Project management is great because you get to see things being built and take part in them.


MP: Thank you for sharing your experience with us!

Sabrina Sirigu

Delivery Manager



MIGSO-PCUBED is the world leader for Project Management and PMO consulting. With a team of specialists reaching across Europe, North America, Asia, and Australia, we have become the trusted delivery partner for the most recognizable brands around the world. Working in the fields of aeronautics, defense, automotive, transportation, financial services, energy, public sectors, and beyond, we help our clients to turn their biggest ideas into reality. We adapt our solutions to their culture as well as leverage the latest technologies and best practices to bring the greatest value.

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