Canada: In less than 6 years, 150 consultants – and growing!

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Christophe Boyer, Director of our Canadian entity, talks about the development and growth of MIGSO-PCUBED in Canada. In less than 6 years, the Toronto and Montreal hubs have already grown to over 150 consultants specialized in PMO and Project Management. 

Few words about our history in Canada.

MP : How did the story of MP Canada begin?

Christophe Boyer: Our adventure in Canada began in 2016 with the opening of our first hub in Montreal. At that time, we had fewer than 10 consultants. That said, the quality of our deliverables, our efficiency in implementing management tools, our passion for project management, and our solution-oriented mindset showed our clients that we could support them on many activities.   

Less than a year later, in 2017, we opened a second hub, in Toronto, and this year we are proud to pass the milestone of 150 Consultants in Canada! This rapid growth has prompted us to expand our offices in order to accommodate a team size congruent with our ambitions.  

Historically specialized in aeronautics, we now work in many sectors, including pharmaceuticals, energy, data centers and new technologies. Our consultants bring unique expertise in different areas of project management, enabling us to provide solutions tailored to the needs of each customer.  

We also draw on the expertise and culture of an international company, so we are proud to be recognized as a leader in Project Management in not only in Eastern Canada, but globally as well. 

MP : What are your next objectives in Canada?

Christophe Boyer: MIGSO-PCUBED has always had clear development objectives, and our ambition is to continue to secure our position as leader in Project Management and PMO in Eastern Canada, and then expand into other locations.

We are convinced that digital and evolving tools are at the heart of today’s successful PMO. Our next objective will be to use technological innovations to gather data in real time and bring innovative solutions to projects. We are determined to accentuate our digital positioning by implementing new and increasingly effective tools for the benefit of our customers.  We have a team of skilled and passionate consultants who are ready to take on these exciting challenges.

Thanks to the growth of our activities, we have managed to go from a start-up structure to an SME in just a few years, while maintaining our investments to support and structure our business. We’re doing everything we can to ensure the long-term growth and sustainability of our Canadian business units. One of the ways we are doing this by supporting our employees with long-term career growth through training tailored to their needs.

We can’t wait to see what the future holds, and we are determined to continue performing well in everything we do!

MP : How does MIGSO-PCUBED differ from other consulting firms?

Christophe Boyer: We have a strong corporate culture in Canada, as in our other countries! We want to give everyone the opportunity to use their knowledge and passions to get involved, innovate, transform, and collaborate as a team. This includes career development, which is at the heart of our organization. That’s why we have opted for a local team management system to be close to our employees and support them as best we can in developing their skills. The community of Delivery Managers is one of the pillars that makes this possible. 

Thanks to our recent digital improvements, we can now track our consultants’ development path even more effectively. As a result, we can provide a fully digitized personalized onboarding program, offering unlimited access to online training. We are convinced that this enables our teams to feel ready and supported right from their first steps in the company.

We also use our international network to find solutions adapted to each local context where necessary. In this way, we offer our consultants the opportunity to connect with people from all walks of life, to learn and share from different communities, to lead projects and take responsibility.

MIGSO-PCUBED Canada is a very socially active company, committed to the well-being of its employees. To this end, we set up a Happiness Team in 2022. This team’s mission is to implement strong initiatives and propose original activities to develop team spirit. We are convinced that employee well-being is essential to maintaining a healthy and productive work environment.

MP : Do you have any key projects to share with us?

Christophe Boyer:  We can cite two major projects in our development in Canada.

During the COVID pandemic in 2021, we deployed our Project Management skills to support a Montreal-area manufacturing company in the deployment of a temporary vaccination center. We were involved in managing schedules, costs, and stakeholders, as well as implementing the appropriate governance to support the rapid set-up and smooth operations of the center.

In 2022, we also supported one of our customers in the evaluation, development, and deployment of an EVM (Earned Value Management) methodology applied to several projects. After a diagnostic phase, our team of 6 consultants spent 6 months immersed in the project, successfully implementing and training end-users in the EVM tools. The minimal use of our customer’s resources, the customized tool and the support provided right through to implementation are among the strengths of this project. Our customer now has a real-time view of the progress of its various projects, enabling it to anticipate major risks and make the best decisions.

MP : What is Canada’s “secret” – if there is one?​

Christophe Boyer: Our success in Canada is based on our teams! We have a close-knit team of Business Managers, Recruiters, Project Managers, Consultants and Support Functions. All passionate about project management, we work together to develop our hubs.

Our team of Recruiters and Business Managers is an essential pillar of our success. We are proud to be able to count on a solid team that works together to recruit the best profiles. We know that our consultants are our main added value, which is why we invest in their recruitment and do our best to attract talented people who share our values.  

MP : Anything to add?​

Christophe Boyer: Thank you to all our teams and our customers! Without them, this adventure would not be as beautiful as it is!

MP : Thank you, Christophe!

Christophe Boyer

Country Manager


MIGSO-PCUBED is the world leader for Project Management and PMO consulting. With a team of specialists reaching across Europe, North America, Asia, and Australia, we have become the trusted delivery partner for the most recognizable brands around the world. Working in the fields of aeronautics, defense, automotive, transportation, financial services, energy, public sectors, and beyond, we help our clients to turn their biggest ideas into reality. We adapt our solutions to their culture as well as leverage the latest technologies and best practices to bring the greatest value.

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