Delivery Manager

As real Team Leaders, Delivery Managers have a strategic position within MIGSO-PCUBED.

Between delivery performance, customer relationship development and consultant management, discover all the details of this job function and become our next Delivery Manager.

Discover the job

What is a Delivery Manager ?

Definition of the role: from PM consultant to managing a team

Delivery Managers are firstly PM consultants with an operational focus. They are involved as Project Managers for part of the projects, and they advise their clients and their teams on improving project management practices.

But Delivery Managers are also the main supervisors tasked with ensuring the client’s goals, deadlines, and expectations are met.

Finally, Delivery Managers must support their teams’ professional development and encourage their consultants to deliver excellence. They must challenge and motivate them as individuals and as a team.

Roles and responsibilities
of a Delivery Manager

Between our company, customers, and consultants

The Delivery Manager’s engagements are based on three main pillars. The first one is to guarantee the operational performance of its scope. This means ensuring the quality of the deliverables produced by its teams, managing contractual changes, anticipating drift and contributing to the development of our services.

The second is to develop a trusting relationship with our customers. Delivery Managers advise their clients to improve their project management practices and guarantee their satisfaction.

Finally, they lead their consultant’s team to success. They need to unite their team around common goals and ensure their increased skills, while challenging them on their practices as specialist consultants.

Some project examples

Great projects to empower your experience

Our Delivery Managers work on fascinating challenges all over the world, for the most recognised brands in aerospace, defence, automotive, transport and energy sectors, as well as for financial services and government organisations.

Here is a sample of the projects our Delivery Managers have had the abitility to work on:

Expected skills,
qualities & attitude

Organisation, versatility and managerial support

To become a Delivery Manager at MP, different qualities are

First, excellent leadership is expected to get your teams on board and share your vision. Previous experience in team management is recommended.

An industry-applicable background and knowledge in project management are also required to ensure the project’s operational performance.

Finally, communication, listening, and organization are part of the standard soft skills required.


To convey your energy and vision to motivate your team


To develop a good relationship with our clients

Interpersonal Skills

Because it is the quality that is inseparable from the profession

Listening Skills

Because active listening is the key to good communication


To mobilize and unite your teams for your client's project performance


To build a strong team where everyone has a role to play

Taste for Challenge

To ask questions, convey what is required of your team, and to provide direction

Project Passion

Enjoy projects and their diversity, be a team player, and be committed to your clients' project teams

They speak better about the role than us​

"I love the coaching part. Well, that is the best part of my job. Second, I love helping clients make order out of chaos."
Delivery Manager, USA

Become our next Delivery Manager

Team Leader

Why join our team?

Joining MIGSO-PCUBED means joining a company that offers much more than just a job.
Team spirit is at the heart of our DNA, and our values and mindset don’t stay at the office!

We help each other, share ideas, commit to Corporate Social Responsibility actions,
develop initiatives to innovate and have memorable moments together.

We share all the keys to evolve through professional tracks, a strong
learning culture and a various development opportunities.

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